Seamless integration into ERP, merchandise management and store systems

DAGO Express API
Our free interface

Do you run an online store or do you regularly ship goods? Then you know that manual data entry costs valuable time and slows down your growth. Our API interface automates these processes and noticeably increases the efficiency of your company.

No more manual entry of orders or e-mail inquiries. Thanks to seamless integration, the DAGO Express API automatically transfers all important information - from folder numbers and loading and unloading points to the type of goods - to your system. You not only save valuable working time, but also minimize sources of error by eliminating manual entries.

Our API interface can be easily integrated into all common ERP, merchandise management and store systems. Implementation is straightforward and our support team is on hand to answer any questions you may have.
DAGO Express API für verschiedene Systeme

Industry insights: Successful API integrations

E-Commerce, retail and wholesale

Online retailers and trading companies use our API interface to automatically transmit their shipping orders. Seamless integration into store and merchandise management systems optimizes the entire order processing process.

Furniture industry

Furniture manufacturers and retailers use the direct system connection for their high-quality products, especially for deliveries in Germany and the Netherlands. The integration simplifies the coordination of all shipping processes.


Freight forwarders submit their Europe-wide special trips directly from their own system. Automatic order placement ensures fast processing and maximum flexibility for short-notice transports.


Automotive suppliers transmit their shipping orders for engine and air conditioning components automatically from their own system. The direct connection ensures reliable just-in-time delivery.
... and many other sectors

Your benefits at a glance

Digitize your logistics processes and increase efficiency in all areas. The direct system connection optimizes every step of your shipping process - from the first price inquiry to the final delivery.

Eliminate time-consuming manual processes and benefit from end-to-end automated processing without media disruptions. The integration fits seamlessly into your existing processes and noticeably reduces the workload of your employees.
Request API access now!
Preisfrage über die DAGO Express API

Real-time price queries

Calculate transport prices in real time for optimal cost and route planning

Transmit orders digitally

Transmit your shipping orders directly from your system to save time and avoid manual errors
Dokumente für Transporte

Automatic document creation

Generate all transport documents directly from your system via the API connection

Shipment tracking

The shipment status is automatically transferred to your system and enables seamless tracking of all shipments

What does an interface (API) do?

An interface (API) enables a direct connection between different computer systems. The DAGO Express API is specially designed for transportation processes and enables the automatic exchange of all logistics-relevant data. This means: price calculations, transport orders, document creation and status tracking are transmitted directly between the systems.

Thanks to the standardized connection, you can flexibly integrate the API into your existing ERP, merchandise management or store systems. We provide you with both a test environment and detailed documentation to ensure smooth implementation.
API Dokumentation
API Beispiel

API documentation available

The DAGO Express API provides you with comprehensive technical documentation for integration into your systems. It contains detailed instructions, all necessary endpoints, parameters and examples for the most important functions such as price queries, order creation and shipment tracking. If you have any questions, our IT team will be happy to assist you.

How to get free access

The DAGO Express API is available to all our customers free of charge. The only requirement is an active customer account with DAGO Express.
Um die API in Betrieb zu nehmen, gehen Sie wie folgt vor:
Schritte zur API-Anmeldung
To start using the API, proceed as follows:
Steps for API registration
Contact us via

DAGO Express will set up data access for you. You will receive all the necessary information from us.

You can then use the documentation to start integrating the API interface into your IT system

Frequently asked questions about the API

What does it cost to use the DAGO Express API?

The DAGO Express API is available to all our customers free of charge. The only requirement is an active customer account with DAGO Express.

How secure is data transmission via the API?

All data transfers are encrypted and protected by an authentication system. Your sensitive shipping and customer data is safe with us.

Do I need special IT skills for the integration?

The integration requires basic programming knowledge. Our detailed documentation and test environment will help you with this. Our IT team is also available to answer your questions.

How long does it take to integrate the API?

The implementation time depends on your system and the desired functions. Thanks to our test environment and structured documentation, step-by-step integration is possible within a few days.

Can I test the API first?

Yes, we provide you with a separate test environment. Here you can try out all functions with test data before integrating the API into your live system.
